Wednesday, 6 March 2013

For Crackberry Users!

Update 6 - Mar 12:
We still haven't get any approval from Blackberry for our new release 1.0.7.  This version also opened to BB10 users.

Update 5 - Mar 06:

We got a BB 10 Dev Alpha phone today thank to a great person from BlackBerry.  We hope to release it for BB10 users in our upcoming version 1.0.6.

Update 4:

Trying to convert the app for Z10 but there is a bug in a Simulator so we have to wait still we get access to physical device.

Update 3:

We are getting some good discussions with people from Crackberry forum.  Please feels free to join us there as well.


We got an approval from Blackberry!  Much faster than what we expected :)


We have submitted version 1.0.2 to BB World for Playbook.

Since we are supporting Android 2.2+, we decided to port our current app to Blackberry Playbook and possibly BB10.  The conversion is going well so far and here is a screenshot of the test result.  We’ll update this post when we publish it on the Blackberry World.